P&C General Information for 2023
The P&C Association Executive team for 2023 includes:
President - Jarrad Langdon - nkps.pca@gmail.com
Vice President - Carmen Bolst - nkps.pca@gmail.com
Vice President - Melinda Jones - nkps.pca@gmail.com
Secretary - Phil Nicholson - nkps.pca@gmail.com
Treasurer - Serneste Mare- nkps.pca@gmail.com
P&C Initiative Coordinators 2024
· Second Hand Uniform Shop- Carmen Bolst
Meetings are held in the school hall or library starting at 7:30pm.
The P&C always welcomes your communications, please reach out via email or the following social media pages.
Email nkps.pca@gmail.com
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/nkps.pca Instagram http://www.instragram.com/nkps.pca
Don’t forget to follow our social pages to stay up to date on all the new NKPS P&C events and fundraisers. And remember to read our piece in the fortnightly NKPS newsletter – “Hezlett Happenings”